Category: Work

Friday, April 8, 2011


I haven’t posted in a while, but it’s not necessarily because I’ve had nothing to post about. Maybe I’ve had too much to post about and have been too stressed out to write anything. At any rate, it’s been an eventful few months for us. For quite a while now I’d been planning on applying […]

Blog, Graduate School, Work 2 Replies to “Decisions”
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away

I am officially sick of the weather. It was so sunny and pleasant for a while there, but now it’s just neverending rain. It doesn’t help that the forecast keeps lying and saying that it’ll be nice again in a day or two, but then a day or two later rolls around and it’s still […]

Blog, Work 0 Replies to “Rain, Rain, Go Away”
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Updates and Whatnot

You (assuming anyone still reads my blog) are probably tired of all the posts wherein I apologize for being a slacker. So I’m just going to skip that part and get on with it. School’s going pretty well. I’m three semesters into my master’s, and I should have two more semesters after this one. (It’s […]

Graduate School, Work 0 Replies to “Updates and Whatnot”
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