Category: Web Design

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Updates and Stuff

I’ve been a major blogger slacker lately (moreso than usual, that is). I’ll choose to blame it on finals and all that stuff, but I guess that excuse doesn’t work so well now that school’s over for the summer. But I’ve still been keeping myself busy with various projects, like continuing to work on Brinestone’s […]

Blog, Duplo, Graduate School, Grease Monkeying, Web Design One Reply to “Updates and Stuff”
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A Meta–Blog Entry

I’ve never quite been satisfied with the way I’ve set everything up here, and consequently I’ve shifted things around a lot (though mostly on the back end where readers don’t notice). I originally thought it would be good to have a regular blog, another blog dedicated to English and linguistics, and a third blog that […]

Blog, My Site, Web Design 5 Replies to “A Meta–Blog Entry”
Monday, December 18, 2006

This Is Driving Me Crazy

But as my father likes to say, at least it’s a short drive. I’ve finally gotten around to installing a gallery*, and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the borders on the nav menu to go away. I’ve been over the template and the style sheet several times, and […]

Web Design 3 Replies to “This Is Driving Me Crazy”
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