Month: April 2006

Sunday, April 30, 2006

The Baby Blessing That Almost Wasn’t

Today was the day we scheduled to bless Lego. Brinestone talked to the bishop a few weeks ago and asked if today would be okay because her family would be in town to take her brother and sister back to Colorado. He said that’d be fine, and I, never having been a father before, assumed […]

Lego, Parenting 8 Replies to “The Baby Blessing That Almost Wasn’t”
Saturday, April 22, 2006

So I, Uh, Have a Job

This is more or less a repost from my forum, so forgive me if you’ve read it already. If I were the type of person to use the word literally incorrectly (and if I were the type to mix metaphors), I would say that it literally fell out of a clear blue sky right into […]

Work 9 Replies to “So I, Uh, Have a Job”
Wednesday, April 19, 2006

It Makes My Eyes Bleed

The student editing association at BYU just sent me a few emails regarding job openings. I appreciate the notification, but there’s nothing worse than emails about editing jobs that are full of horrible writing and editing errors. Project management of editorial projects in the fiction, non-fiction, and children’s genres: includes working with authors, contractors, and […]

Editing 3 Replies to “It Makes My Eyes Bleed”
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