Month: April 2006

Wednesday, April 5, 2006


Okay, I promised now-overdue pictures, and here they are: Newborn Lego Lego after his first bath Lego sticking his tongue out Snuggly Lego Lego and his cuz

Lego 5 Replies to “Pictures!”
Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Squirrel Baby Lego Has Arrived

We checked into the hospital a little after 9:00 last night because Brinestone thought she was leaking amniotic fluid. We got checked in, and they tested the fluid and decided that this was the real deal. They started her on an oxytocin drip around midnight, and within a couple hours she was having good, hard […]

Lego 9 Replies to “Squirrel Baby Lego Has Arrived”
Tuesday, April 4, 2006

We Are in the Hospital

Apparently Brinestone’s water broke sometime today, but it was a pretty small trickle. It was starting to get heavier, so we went to the hospital, and it looks like we’ll be here for the long haul. I’ll try to post when there’s more news.

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