Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Gainful Employment

So in case all y’all haven’t heard, Company 1 made me an offer and I accepted. I could’ve gotten a little more money if I had gone with the company in Tucson, but (1) I didn’t want to move out of state, (2) Company 1 has better benefits, and (3) Cicada has said that she really loves her job there. And really, how could I turn down the chance to work with her again? After all, this is the woman who convinced me to grow out my curls, and we all know that this directly resulted in my getting married.

Anyway, today was my first day there, and I think it was pretty good as far as first days go, especially since I’ve had one first day that was roughly equivalent to being thrown into a pot of boiling water. I spent most of the day filling out paperwork and getting oriented.

The orientation included a few videos that I got to watch on my computer, one of which featured one of the company’s founders talking about how you make big changes through small means. As an example he mentioned how New York City reduced its crime rate—including dropping its murder rate by two-thirds—by cracking down on smaller crimes like graffiti and turnstile-jumping at the subway. I immediately thought of Freakonomics. (If you’ve read it, you’ll know what I’m talking about, and if you haven’t read it, you really should.)

I wanted to shout at the monitor, “He’s full of crap! New York’s crime rate didn’t drop because the police cracked down on turnstile-jumpers—it dropped because of abortion!” But I really didn’t want my coworkers looking at me strangely when I hadn’t even been there a full day yet.

I think I’ll save that for next week.

Work 15 Replies to “Gainful Employment”
Jonathon Owen


15 thoughts on “Gainful Employment

    Author’s gravatar

    That’s awesome! Congratulations. Hopefully, I will also be getting some gainful employment soon, as well.

    Author’s gravatar

    Congrats on getting the job.

    Author’s gravatar

    Thanks, guys. It’s very nice to finally be in a good job.

    And good luck, TB.

    Author’s gravatar

    Yeah, man. Synergize. Then sharpen the saw.

    Author’s gravatar

    That sounds a heck of a lot scarier coming from you.

    Author’s gravatar

    I’ve read both Freakanomics, and also Rudolph W. Giuliani’s book “Leadership” – both of which mention that drop in crime rate. Personally, I think I attribute it to BOTH factors — the drop in criminal population numbers (as outlined in Freakanomics) and the crackdown of police (and they hired a lot MORE police). All the areas saw a drop (due to the Freakanomic factor) but NYC’s was way higher, so I think it had more than one factor involved.
    I believe they even mention that in the Freakanomics book, IIRC.

    Author’s gravatar

    I think you’re right. However, he mentioned neither of those factors—just the crackdown on misdemeanors, which was probably least responsible for turning the tide.

    Author’s gravatar

    Whoa, whoa, you’re not actually giving hints as to what company we work for, are you? Because I’ve been careful about it this time.

    Also, I’d like to point out that you’re home while I’m still at work, having worn my mouse-button-clicking finger down to the bloody bone. I can’t believe you left, you slacker.

    Also, I kindof snickered when Melyngoch told you to synergize… ohhhh, as long as you’ve given hints, I may as well blog about that whole exchange. Having you at work makes life so much better.

    Also, when I saw that video, I thought the same thing.

    Author’s gravatar

    Hey, I only said it because Melyngoch dropped hints first. Of course, I decided to edit it anyway just in case.

    What can I say? I’m a selfish, selfish person. Also a filthy synergizer.

    Author’s gravatar

    Actually, have you read Malcolm Gladwell’s “The Tipping Point”? In it, he makes a fairly cogent argument that cracking down on graffiti and turnstile-jumping is what made the big difference, not abortion. He directly references Freakonomics and refutes some of the points there. I’m not sure I’m entirely convinced by either argument–there are probably other factors involved–but don’t be so quick to dismiss the “small means” one.

    Author’s gravatar

    Bah. Just like a purple to ruin a perfectly good story with facts.

    Author’s gravatar

    Why would you want to hide where you work? *confused*

    Author’s gravatar

    He has lots of stalkers (angry postal-worker types, I think)….

    Author’s gravatar

    Just to be safe and minimize the chance that our boss will find it and read it, I guess.

    Author’s gravatar

    Congratulations on the new job!

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